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initial screw up in life ,alhamdulillah had a second chance , made full use of it and now living it to the fullest with my loved ones

Monday, July 18, 2011

its been a long time

havent been writing for a long time..suddenly find myself staring at this empty blog.Life is passing by so quickly nowadays.Lets just see if I can recollect some things here.First quarter of the year was full of surprises , both Mum and Dad were hospitalised for various reasons , very close after one and another , had some personal issues now and then , kids busy with their own lifestyle , life changing decisions made in recent  weeks.
One thing I've learnt is, there can never be an infinite satisfaction ,all you  got to do is be yourself and lead your own life.I'm trying to lead mine with my family, whether for better or for worse only time will tell.But its a step I rather take than not taking any at all.Insyallah , it will work out.Amin.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Angel eyes :)

After much overdue and surpression , my black beauty is getting her angel eyes .I dont believe much in souping up cars/machines but, this time around , after much thinking and considering that its been 6 yrs since I had her , my birthday coming up as well , what the heck .As long as it makes me happy . So there.Everything else will come to a standstill. :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

trials and tribulations of 2011

Boy ooo Boy , I certainly didnt know 2011 is going to be challenging one for me. Hardly had time to jot down a few lines , and new things will crop up.Heck , it's my blog and i'll write whatever i want..
Past few weeks been thinking a lot bout home and my folks , and I guess there's a reason to it.Mum is not too well with her spine and osteoporosis , Dad now has a new health problem which will inevitably require surgery , and I'm so called the Consultant guy whos able to treat everybody else except for my own parents.What irony is this.!!
Amenda aa lu ni bro , its times like this when I just want to huddle up in one corner and wish I could just turn back time again . Otak dah jadi caca marba daa..Life is so full of ups and downs , and thats what makes us more mature so they say.Well , mine is like a yoyo right now , and everytime i try to recover from the dizziness , I get spinned all over again.Maybe its hitting the big magic number 40 , midlife crisis ?? that's adding on to all this. Maybe.
The future is sooo uncertain now , and just when I thought I had it all covered.Just goes to show , Allah maha berkuasa dan Maha menentukan.Allah , my prayers  to you to grant me the strength to get through whatever path you have laid before me , and that I fulfill the best of my capabilities of being a good son , husband , father brother and friend to all.
Please guide me in all my undertakings and decisions , as Only Allah knows  whats best for me. Aminn

Sunday, January 16, 2011

2011 anyone ?

thought i'd break the silence for this new year.Banyak benda happening and needs to be done , ikutkan nak tulih banyak banyak , but I'm due for JB tomorrow , mata pun dah ngantuk , sambung balik kalu panjang umor.Yang pasti , aku tetap bersyukur dapat merasa lagi kehidupan sementara ini.
Nanti story lain